

Mar 20, 2008
Budweiser made a new energy drink called "B-to-the-E"

B-to-the-E provides caffeine, guarana, and ginseng in (supposedly) a great tasting beer.

"B-to-the-E" is brand new and you'll start to see it in stores starting today here in the US

That extra junk can only worsen the taste of what is already a pretty pee-tasting beer. Lame. Bud Ice is much better, but only for summer time.

Seems like a decent marketing idea. If people want to caffeine boost from Red Bull or similar but don't like the taste, they can drink beer instead! Guaranteed winner IMO, no matter how bad it tastes.

As a former doorman I can only pity those still in the trade, who will now have to deal with thousands of hyperactive adults running around pubs and clubs, doing sit-ups for no good reason and swinging from the lights.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the doormen!

Caffeine and alcohol - yeah, that sounds like a great combination.

At the very least, it's going to make the bathrooms more crowded. And didn't the Drew Carrey Show think of this first?

Great! A wide-awake drunk, that's something we all need!

Can't A-B just focus on something like making a quality beer without the gimmicks? A quality American beer, now THAT would be new!

First person to drink it let us know how it goes. If no one does, I'll volunteer this weekend.

I'll volunteer also!

A virtual cheers Kwaj this weekend. Look forward to your comments!

Of course, if I was old enough to drink, I'd agree that budweiser is horrible stuff and makes me feel sick more than proper beer.

Icky, Yucky, Nasty, OOOWWW. Not nessessarly in that order. Butwiper has never produced anything worth consuming.