Chemically superior


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I read something on the BBC website a while back (but can't find it now, grrr...) about how when a person is feeling superior to another for whatever a reason, a chemical is released in the brain intensifying the feeling. As most will know the feeling is one of pleasure/superiority and can be addictive.

If this is applied to history or your own relationships, the urge of psychopaths like Hitler, Stalin etc can be put down to this chemical and their presumed love of the feeling - more so than others maybe?!

Politicians/managers would be next in line, as what else can explain the main driver for the urge to have power (in whatever form) over others. I spoke to a guy last night who was leaving his job because he wanted more responsibilty - he's currently overseeing 4 people, but that's not enough, as his last job was managing 20. (and no I didn't mention the superiority chemical).

Martial Artists/sports people are going to get the feeling when they win something, or beat someone.

The teacher picking on the kid who he knows doesn't know the answer to show him up.

The Mother or girlfriend/wife scolding the child/husband (yes I see the irony...) gets the feeling when they know they are right.

The kid in the school yard putting down another for whatever reason, in order to 'feel' good about themselves.

In the above cases, MA/sportspeople could be said to train harder in order to get the feeling again, Polititians will be more accomodating or devious (or both) in order to gain that extra power for a greater feeling. Mother's/wives is a whole other topic . The kid in the school yard transforms into a bully because they like the feeling they get when the 'superiority' chemical kicks in.

We've all come across situations like this not only in ourselves, but observed in others. Is it addictive?

What do you think?

After I read about this chemical, I have to admit, my first reaction was to tell the girlfriend... so now after I've done the most recent thing wrong... the 'superior' chemical is brought up as a discussion point so I in turn can feel superior in my 'knowledge'.