I mean poo has been accumulating for millions of years. Many evolutionists believe we evolved from bacteria that was in the water of comets when they hit the earth. Bacteria in water is coliform, which is microscopic bacterial poop particles from other organisms that poo. In this case, from a scientific standpoint, wouldn't there have to be aliens somewhere pooing on giant water filled rocks and projecting them at the earth for all of this to have taken place?


@alwbsok: I did not suggest poo had been around millions of years in sewers. I indicated that it had been around fer millions of years. Even so, not all poo gets flushed out of a sewer. Sometimes, you might have a clinger. The clinger becomes impervious to flushing upon hardening. So it could be a possibility, whether sewers had been around fer millions of years or not. Your statement is a logical felaciosy.