Why do I not feel weird or off-put from reading a story about lesbian love?


May 19, 2008
I'm not a homophobe. I have nothing against gay people or have no problem with them. But I would be lying as to say when I'm faced with a situation involving a same sex relationships I feel weird and uneasy; out of place you could say.

But I've been reading a story that is about two girls falling in love and it even goes as far to talk about and to an extent describe a sex scene (Not in a obscene way) and it like dawned on me just now that this was about two girls. I mean I knew it was, but I didn't really think much of it til now.

I mean for once I didn't think twice about it and saw nothing out of place. Why, all the sudden, would I feel this way?
Maybe you're becoming more open minded and accepting of people regardless of orientation, so much so that you're able to enjoy a story about love even if it is about two lesbians.

That's a good thing, so be happy about it. It doesn't change who you are...it just changes how you view love. :)