If a person was in the middle of space would their cell phone work? How...


New member
Jul 22, 2008
...bout bluetooth? Say a person was floating in orbit around the Earth, and say they wanted to make a call or send a text to their buddy to let them know how cool and strange it is that they're orbiting space without dying, would they be able to? Now lets say they tried to make this call via a bluetooth microphone, would the phone be able to connect to the bluetooth microphone in space?

My main point in this question is could these connections be possible outside an atmosphere I.e. space?
It depends on the strength of the signal the phone puts out and the distance the person is from any sort of receiver. The strength of an electromagnetic signal decreases with the square of the distance between two points, so the farther the person is from a receiver, the less likely he will be able to contact anyone. Bluetooth is much less powerful than a phone and has poor signal strength, so I doubt that any receiver can pick it up even from a few meters away.

Distances aside, he will be able to make a call because electromagnetism can travel through empty space.