Is the problem a lack of food or a lack of nutrition?


Oct 13, 2008
How would you propose fixing it?
That isn't answering the question, Stuart. Think a little bigger than the talking points.
Lack of nutrition.

It's a personal responsibility. I use my money to buy real food at the supermarket. If a get a hankering for sweets, I go to a convenience store and buy a candy bar or I go to an ice cream place. I don't keep junk food in the house. I think it's unfortunate that there is so much cheap junk food. Maybe if the government stopped subsidizing corn that would help.
overall its a lack of nutrition. Fixiing it at this point is going to have to start with individuals because the 'system' isnt going to change itself. too much money to be made in GMO , high fructose corn syrup etc, marketing junk is profitibale so until people start buying the good stuff , which is going to cost a bit more but will be worth it, companies wont change until then.
I think the problem is several-fold.

There is a lack of nutritional awareness.

People don't seem to know how to grow food.

People don't know how to cook (or are unwilling to cook).

I suppose you could address all three with education.