T-Mobile Galaxy S3 Battery Drain ?


Feb 23, 2008
I have a Galaxy S3 & the battery life is HORRIBBBLLLEEEEE the damn thing drains even while its just sitting in my pocket! I'll charge it to 100% take it off send ONE text & its on 98% I just got the phone a month ago and love.it but the battery sucks! I heard they have this 3000 mAh battery & back cover that works.. but idk if I wenn buy it & not have GREAT battery life.. & I don't want a bulky phone because of my case can I just use the battery without the case? I can upgrade my phone in 6 months I think & I know the iPhone 5S comes out this fall so.should I just hold off until the. because everyone I know with an iPhone says it has AMAZING BATTERY LIFE! & I've seen my friend go through a 6hour day & still have 50% on it! HELP ME PLEASE! I Have the T-Mobile Galaxy S3!