having 2 back days bodybuilding?


May 18, 2008
was just wondering if having two back day would be good, so first back day would be all verticle movements(pulldowns, pullups) and the second back day would be all rows(db rows, bb rows, tbar rows). does this sound like a good idea?
As long as you give each muscle group 48-72 hours in between and you aren't lifting to failure. I don't have any problems doing a 3-way body split. Day 1 & 4 are chest, tricep. lat, Day 2 & 5 are thigh, bicep & back... and day 3 & 6 are core, traps & shoulders, calves. Day 7 is my rest day. I chose a push and a pull type exercise for each muscle group so I'm doing one of each type once a week.
I do the same thing but with all body parts. Make sure you space it out and give time for some recovery.