My husband and I bought a 2005 Regal boat recently and it waterlogged. Who...


New member
Jun 27, 2013
...should be responsible? The boat surveyor said that the boat is in great shape with no concerns. When we tried to get the boat on the trailor it was too heavy. We now find out that the boat is water logged. Anybody have some thoughts on what we should do? Who should be responsible? We bought the boat through a broker in ONtario.
Let's be perfectly honest here. . . You say: "The boat surveyor said that the boat is in great shape with no concerns." Odd, as that sure doesn't sound like any boat surveyor to me. I have a life-long best friend that is a Certified Surveyor, and I have met and known several, and I never, ever - no never have known a "Professional Certified Surveyor" to say anything like that over any boat they surveyed, Makes me question who 'really' said that. Most likely, you heard that from the 'Broker' NOT the Surveyor. . . A professional surveyor is simply just not going to make a 'blanket' statement like that over any boat he/she surveyed.

Certified Surveyors are meticulous over their inspections, and their paper work. So my guess is: - you do not have a hard copy of the survey. As most likely there never was one. I've never known any boat Broker or Dealer to spend the money for a professional survey on a "trailer-able size vessel" as it would be so costly, it would either price the boat out of the market, or eat up all their potential commission.

Of course, now comes the question of "when we tried to get the boat on the trailer it was too heavy". Why did you not notice it was too heavy in the water ie: floating below it's designed waterline? And what made it too heavy for the trailer? .

Regals are good boats. Sounds to me something else is going on here. Composite (fiberglass) boats don't get "water-logged". Flotation foam and cushions however do. Additionally, if you have not yet taken the plug out to drain the bilge, that too could add to the problem. If you are new to boats and boating, I would simply ask the 'Broker' or someone you can trust for help. I doubt the problem is as serious as you suspect it is. I also doubt the boat was ever surveyed.