bodybuilding should i drink protein shakes?


New member
Oct 22, 2012
i am going to start getting back into working out tomorrow do some p90x and use that for body building until i feel comfortable with my weight. however i am trying to lose about 50-60 pounds in fat or more and i was wondering should i drink protein shakes atm or just work out and drink them later when i lose more weight.
If you're trying to gain muscle protein drinks are a good idea...but muscle weighs more than fat so don't be surprised if you gain weight...if you are trying to lose fat running on a treadmill or track for about an hour plus light meals would be the way to go
Depends how fast you want to gain weight and how hard you lift. If you lift for long periods and heavy weight, take creatine. Creatine just puts extra water weight in your body so that when you lift, you have more fat to turn into muscle. If you drink 3 or so protein shakes, you'll gain weight. Just not as fast. But a warning with creatine, after you stop taking it, your arms will be a little smaller than what they were because your losing all of the water weight from before. And creatine usually takes 2 weeks to kick in.
Yeah you can drink protein shakes and protein drinks, it's a good idea for the muscles building purposes.
Drinking the protein shake in post workout meal will helpful to boost the energy level along with muscular help.

Health and Diet
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