How do I get my parents to let me have a smartphone?


May 11, 2008
My name is Chase and I am 14. I really want a smart phone, preferably an iPhone 5, because of their usefulness, social connectivity, and entertainment. Also the plus of a phone. My parents don't like smart phones though, mostly because they don't want me to have internet access whenever. What should I do to convince them? Do you have any ideas or tips to help? Thank you
Do chores around the house.
Show them your responsible.
Get a job?
Or Just wait and ask for birthday gift ?
Sorry, I agree with your parents, a 14 year old has no need for a high end smartphone. I think your at the age to get a phone, but I think all 14 year old's should start with a testing phone, with no internet.

Studies claim the around half of the American teenagers spend over 3 hours a day on their phones, that is insane.