Who should I be for Hetalia Day?


New member
Jun 18, 2013
My friends and I are huge Hetalia fans! I will be able to get a Hetalia costume in a month but I'm not sure who. I plan to celebrate Hetalia day
Why I would be Hungary- my hair color(tomboy
Why I would be Prussia- i am a little full o myself and I think I'm REALLY awesome
Why I would be England- I LOVE TEA! I have a great British accent when I want
Why I would be Germany- I can be very strict and a neat freak. I love to be fit and I can be weird
Lativa-I am actually a little shy and I don't like to talk and Im a shut-in. I also get pushed around by my ill sister and my older sister. I love to read any kind of book, I also yell at people's faces if they make me mad. P.S: Lativa is cute!
So I'm not sure who to be for Hetalia Day. Hope you can help me chose!!!