I need help to gossip situation?


New member
Jun 16, 2013
I have a 14 year old girl cousin who moved here from a different country. She moved here with a Step mom and two step brothers. They are now living with my Other Aunt's house for a while until they get settled in. Her real dad lives on that same house with the step mom.
But the problem is that step mom is a gossiper. She gossips EVERY mistakes from the 14 year old girl to everyone not just to her real dad but to every relatives in the state. On the other hand, her sons which are more undisciplined, she make sure nobody see's their mistake and say lies that they are goodies but they are not. It got to the point where Literally everyone despise my 14 year old cousin. My relatives are very naive too, so instead of helping her, they attack her because of that. So now she's showing a little sign of rebel. But that wouldn't help because my relatives are naive and attack her with hurtful words.
My relatives are not the type of people I can just talk to and they'll think about what they're doing. Once they hate someone, they continue to berate her.
Now, I need your help to help this girl using words. What should I tell her to make sure she doesn't end up hurting herself or do more mistakes. Her step mom is dumb and naive, you can't really talk to her to stop. Her hate to her is way up. The only solution is try to talk to her until she moves out. But what should I tell her. I need some expert psychologist advice.