Should I get confirmed as a Christian, even though I'm not one?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Both my parents are devout Catholics, and I'm atheist as well as gay. My mother is being extremely rude about Confirmation, telling me I "have to" do it, which is just insane because I shouldn't be forced to accept religious beliefs that I don't agree with or believe in. However, my father is an extremely sweet, simple-minded man in his late fifties who is not exactly very healthy. He just has a simple vision of the world and just can't fathom someone rejecting Christianity. He is very loving and truly thinks this is best for me and that I will be happy I got confirmed one day. I have tried to tell him I'm an atheist, but whenever I imply it, he gets very upset and seems in denial almost. I just don't want to devote all my time to lectures, retreats, etc. to do this complete nonsense when I am very offended by the church's teachings against homosexuality and do not believe any of this nor will I ever practice any sort of religion whatsoever once I move away. However, my parents don't know I'm gay and I was hoping never to have to address my sexuality. I just don't want to go through with this, but really want to make my amazing father happy and he keeps making me feel guilty for not wanting to do this, but this should not upset him. I should have the right to my own religious views. I need help! What should I do?
How can I tell my parents that I'm atheist? They will get angry. What should I say?
Your not a christian, so dont be labeled as one.,As far as your parents go, thats their problem. If being catholic helps them thats great but they should respect your views. If not, thats not your problem. Dont worry man! :)
no you should not be confirmed as a Christian

you have to actually say the words not just try to hint at it and hope they catch on
It's great that you want to please your father, but becoming confirmed if you don't believe in the religion is disrespectful to the religion itself.
Simply don't get confirmed if you do not believe. There is however, there is an alternative of getting confirmed at a protestant church, (where they accept gays, straits and bisexuals all as people) in order to please your dad. Plus, depending on the church, you are not obliged to do anything after you are confirmed.
Think through very carefully what you are going to say to your parents and follow your own way!
Good luck!