I wanna get a regular car vs a SUV?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
I want something like a veloster or a genesis coupe but my parents want me to get a SUV or a crossover- cuz we live in canada where we get a lot of snow. Any suggestions on how to change their mind? Any argument points that should be thrown out
dude if you want attention of people so buy the car but if yu want a family size or more comfortable so buy the SUV
SUV depending on the type can be gas hogs and have a high change of rollovers compared to other vehicles with gas prices being $4+++ in Canada you might want to consider getting a 4 cylinder vehicle really good on gas genesis coupe is good on gas however not a car I would suggest for a newer driver I would go with an older car for one its all around cheaper you can get a good car around $2500/$4000 insurance will be less and newer drivers tend to make more mistakes do you really want to bang up your new car? probably not as far as the winter goes if your allowed to put snow chains on your vehicle do so black ice ain't nothing nice again the veloster is another nice car but like I said get a $4000 car get a few years under your belt especially driving in the snow then get your good car then no rush and besides both the veloster and the genesis have only been manufactured in the last 3 years do you have idea the amount of insurance you will be paying for these probably at least $269 a month