How to get over my celebrity obsession!?


New member
May 29, 2008
Even before I start, I know this sounds crazy but never mind, I need some advice! Basically I'm in love with a male actor in his late thirties ( I'm 18). It's weird because ever since I was 11/12 I have found him attractive but only now am I becoming obssessed. I think about him a lot of the time and it makes me depressed to know I can never have him as well as the fact I am wasting my life loving him. He has a type of girl he usually goes for so even if I was famous I doubt he'd go for me as I don't fit the type. I know how ridiculous I'm being but I can't seem to take my mind off him :( this is also the second time this has happened, I was also seriously obssessed with a footballer when I was about 15. That lasted a few months until I just went off him. Help?!???
Who's the guy?? Lol

I know the feeling, i think honeslty the best way is to probably find a boyfriend lol!!

Currently going through the same thing but my guy is 19 and i find getting a boyfriend the only way out! :(

Edit: Oh and i was once obsessed with a basketball player, still love him but not in the same way i use too haha he's more like somone i look up to now!
First of all, it is normal at any age, but more so at yours, to fantasize and obsess over celebrities or other people that are not so easy to get close to because it is part of our instict to "search" for that someone that will make us feel special and complete. Celebrities use a lot of tactic to convey that idea across (sometimes on purpose sometimes by accident) it makes one not just want to follow them but get close to them. Try to find people near you to do things with and get to know better. Like do you have any hobbies? Is there anybody interesting that likes that hobby too? You can approach that person and try to start a conversation about that hobby and see if from there you can make a new friend. Once you meet more people you will start to forget about the celebrity and find someone easier to get close to. Also try to figure out why you like him. This can help you find "your" type of person.
Time also helps. So just try to think of other people and stay busy and you will probably not think about that person so much and then slowly they will fade into the background.

Hope this helps