What are DC's plan about making a Justice League movie?

I hope not. The old versions of Superman and Batman where just fine. Sure they were a bit campy but they came from comic books written for kids. The old movies had some real known actors that almost everyone knew. The new versions are too involved with the psychoanalysis of the hero. After seeing what they did to Batman, I didn't think I wanted to see the new Superman movies. After watching the promo for Man of Steel I know I don't want to see it. They kept talking about how Superman struggles though emotions about where he came from and where he fits in and junk. Come on, the guy is already wearing tights but it sounds like he might as well be wearing a matching skirt. At least his red panties will hide his monthly. They just take all the good stuff out of movies. Like how they made a great villein like a vampire into a soft crybaby hero who falls for a dull looking girl. I know, why don't we do a new Barney the Dinosaur move. He could be less campy and eat the kids then chat about how bad he feels for doing it. Bring the kids
They are having script issues the last I heard. IMDB lists it as still being in the script development stage, and not being released until 2015. They would still have to get all the actors together, find actors for the roles they want in the movie, cast a Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman, decide which actor they want for Batman and Superman, and see if Ryan Reynolds still wants to play Hal Jordan. It will take a while for this to get to the big screen, if it happens at all.

