Why do celebrities always have the most divorces?


New member
May 21, 2013
You know what they say, the celebs are the one who suffers the most. but if you dont get it, never mind... ok, get to the point, Why do celebrities always have the most divorces? i mean i know some dont and this does mean that ALL celebrities and rich-famous people are like this but you know what i mean, right? i mean i have have common sense and i know you all do too, but yeah, people like Taylor Swift (OMG Do you know how many break ups she had??!!!) Paris Hilton, John Mayer, yea, you get it. If any of these stars are one of your idols, sorry bout that, but you get it right? ...lol
Well in the UK about 50% of marriages ended in divorce and the only reason you think celebs divorce all the time is because its in the news!!! If every couple in the world that broke up or got a divoorce was in the news then you'd see how life works, celebs also wanna be in the news so they might adopt some babies or get their tubes snipped or break up with everyone! Lol
I really don't think they value marriage at all. They don't seem to understand how important it is and I think they probably have communication issues. Some celebs (like actors) have to travel often to film and sometimes they have to film in different locations so they aren't able to spend the time or communicate properly. Also most celebs can survive on their own (since they make plenty of money). And overall, I just don't think they take marriage seriously! I really think all they care about is the publicity!