Why does leonardo dicaprio always die in the romantic movies he stars in?


New member
Oct 16, 2008
My friend said its because he's a hot shot with the ladies and when he dies every girl crys? But is it this I'm just wondering because its 3movies I've seen now and he's died in all of them. Titanic , Romeo&Juilet & The Great Gatsby, hes probably died in more aha. But the fact is before I even watched the movie I watched the trailers and said oh so its romantic and I said to my friend "I bet he's gonna die at the end" and he did (the great gatsby)
thanks for ruining The Great Gatsby for me, out of all the romance movies you had to pick and spoil that one...... anyways some people say it's because he doesn't want his character to survive for any plausible sequels (although that theory goes out the door with titanic and R+J) however others say that his face structure is fit for tragic characters so he would be cast for films which required a youthful charming male to play characters which met tragic ends and even though he's not a "youth" anymore, this theory is strong since he is still cast for such roles continuously. (PS: haven't seen Django Unchained and there's a strong chance he might have died there, don't spoil that either please)