What 2-3" fish would you recommend? And other aquarium care questions.?


New member
May 16, 2013
I was thinking about getting an aquarium. I thought about getting a 10 gallon one, but as I looked at some of the fish, I'm now thinking about getting a 20 or more gallon tank.
I know for sure that I really some glofish, I'll most likely get 4 of them, since they are a schooling fish and you need to get at least 3. I'm also torn on wether I should get a male crowntail betta, or 2 female bettas.... A few others I was looking at we're dwarf gouramis, Dalmatian mollies, silver and creamcicle mollies, silver hatchetfish, variatus, and platies. Does anyone know how well any of these would get along with each other? Are there any others you would recommend that don't get any bigger than 3 inches?
And if I were to put some smaller fish, like guppies or ghost shrimp which only get about an inch and a half, how likely would it be that any of the larger fish would eat them?

I was also going to get a red claw crab, and a mystery snail. But I was wanting to use a UV purifier, because I saw a video of one being used in someone's tank and liked how clean it kept the water, so would I have to feed them algae tablets since it gets rid of any algae that grows in the water?