Girls do you feel obligated to have sex?


May 18, 2008
I'm in a gender psychology class and some girls suggested that when they were younger they felt obligated to have sex with guys. They said that if they didn't, they would be called a tease and this caused them to have sex when they didn't really want to.

Does this happen a lot?
I kinda did when I was younger because guys always wanted to have sex. There was one boy I liked when I was 15 and right away he wanted to have sex. I felt like I had to in order for him to continue liking me but I decided it wouldn't be worth it so luckily I did not have sex with him.
Nope. This is the most stupidest thing I've heard, no one can feel pressured into doing something as major as sex unless they want to.
Haha never heard that before. But possibly. Most girls are scared the first time anyway