if wife refuse to have sex with husband can husband can go to prostitute to


New member
May 9, 2013
fiulfil his needs in muslim? iam a muslim man working in muscate staying with wife and one daughter 1 years old my have has no interest to have sex with me form months can i go to prostitute to fillful my needs plase advice
You are asking our permission to go cheat on your wife?

No matter if you're Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, you CAN go to a prostitute to fulfill your needs, but will you feel okay with yourself after doing that? Will you be able to see your wife and daughter in the eyes?

Why don't you discuss this with your wife, tell her how you feel, and ask her why she is refusing to have sex with you?
Your 'needs' are all in your mind. Sex is a choice, not a need. You don't need sex to survive - you need food, drink, sleep, rest, and oxygen. Sex is a lifestyle choice like drugs, drink, etc. You may enjoy them, but you don't 'need' them.