Why do some types of cigars and cigarettes make my neck and face itch?


New member
May 6, 2013
Most cigars I smoke do not effect me, but some will and I just smoked my first cigarette and it made my skin a little itchy. I have acne on my face and neck and it seems to make all my blemished areas itch. I've never experienced this with Hookah and like I said, most cigars do not make me itch leading me to believe that this is not because of an allergy to tobacco. Any thoughts???
You are most definitely allergic to certain ingredients that the cigar and cigarettes are made out of. It's obviously not the tobacco since other cigars and cigarettes don't bother you. Discontinue the use of those specific cigars/cigarettes. Some benedryl should help with your allergic reaction. If you want to get creative you can remove the innards of the cigar/cigarettes that give you these symptoms and smoke them in a pipe to see if it is what the tobacco was being wrapped in.