Has Telus discontinued the prepaid Samsung Galaxy S2 X?


New member
Oct 3, 2009
So i'm in the market for a new phone and I most definitely want a prepaid phone but at the same time I want a decent phone for web browsing with apps. So I came across the Samsung Galaxy S2 X on Walmart's website as a prepaid bundle ( http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/4g-samsung-galaxy-s-ii-x-prepaid-bundle/10183065?trail=&fromPLP=true&ancestorID=&searchString=&startSearch=&fromSearchBox=&addFacet=# ) and I was ecstatic as it's everything i'm looking for. However after calling a few of my local stores, no one seems to carry it? And after a google search, I cant seem to find it on BestBuy or FutureShop either?

If someone could help me out, let me know whether Telus has stopped bundling this phone as prepaid? Suggestions on where to look to find this phone? Suggestions for another decent prepaid phone with Telus? That would be utterly superb of you. Thanks in advance!