I just told my mom and big brother that I had sex with my boyfriend?


New member
May 5, 2013
I told my mom and big brother that i had sex just one time with my boyfriend of 2 years and a half and I think they hate me and i feel like I hate myself and I just don't know what to do anymore.. he's the only person i've done things with but I just feel like a horrible person . by the way I'm 16 which makes me feel even more bad but I feel like I just want to kill myself..
Even though if I said don't get offended you still will . But Your parents should of told you about sex like If people guys try to touch u don't let yourself . My mom always gives me lectures & story's about the consequences of having sex. Yes I get tired & irritating but if she never told me anything I would probably have a baby right now or making out . Your mom should tell you things like that. Your boyfriend should have respect because if he really loved you he wouldn't do that he will respect you.
Don't be to hard on yourself
Yes you probably did the right thing in telling your mom and big brother
but they should be more understanding to you
you are at a good age to start learning to be more discerning about your body and also
what news you drop on your immediate family
when I was your age I would not have told anyone if I had sex with anyone
but since you are so open and already did this
you will have to live with the consequences as these people will always think about this when they
see you or your current boyfriend
what you did was normal but talking about your sex life can lead you into being behind the 8 ball
Wow, big mistake, but now you have to live with it.

Just don't do it again until you're married. As long as it was just this once, it is still possible that a decent guy will accept you one day.