What kind of fashion sense do you have?

Not really existent. I tend to dress in neutral colors, but other than that I just throw on the first things I grab in the morning.
Mm average really. Simple t-shirt and jeans then I'm good for the day. Otherwise, I just don't really care most of the time how I look.
I dress normal, anything classic fits me good sometimes i wear skinny jeans but not too tight that would make me a pervert, only those that looks normal and cool, i can't adapt to new fashion styles unlike my friends especially weird and colorful hair cuts doesn't suit a normal person.
I guess my sense of fashion is very simple: If I like it, I wear it. Regardless of any labels that might be assigned...
I'm a Textiles student (study fashion ^-^). Yes I care about how I look, I wear whatever I like though. I do have a distinctive style because I like to mix and match things that are usually never worn together, but I make it work! =P

I dress feminine most of the time, I am in love with combat boots right now and cut up shirts (DIY).
Like this one: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://desireandinspire.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/DSC_0430_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://desireandinspire.com/diy-skull-cut-out-t-shirt-tutorial/&h=3607&w=2490&sz=446&tbnid=g5fA3qDE4uUAaM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=62&prev=/search%3Fq%3DDIY%2Bskull%2Bshirt%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=DIY+skull+shirt&usg=__RHRNDZrCdXcZ4Z4_SGuAcQVFv9U=&docid=-IHOm70XMxe5GM&sa=X&ei=aGmDUeKCM4j-iAehr4CICg&ved=0CDQQ9QEwAQ&dur=515