Since air force one costs $181,000 per hour to fly shouldn't the Obama...


New member
Feb 25, 2013
1 stop the vacations? Travel time for Air Force One direct from Washington D.C. to Hawaii is about 9 hours or as high as The trips to Hawaii alone are $1,635,813 each way for a total of $3,271,622 for the round trip. The President will have made two round trips to Hawaii via Air Force One within a matter of days bringing the total for his air travel to more than $6.4 million, and the cost of the trip to more than $7.2 million.

Doesn't Obama remind you of the Romans, wasting tax payer money without concern?

I say the emperor Obumbler needs to go - this man doesn't care about the nation!
@ the two trolls who think this is a good use of tax $$$

Can't you think of at least 100 better uses for $7.2 million dollars? I can!
Bush holds the record for vacations. 25% of his 8 years in office. Over 800 days.
One its President and yes while in office they need a vacation once in a while and they have to take air force one because air force one is is designed to be indestructible, and shut the f up homeless person with no good job so taxes are kicking your ass!
yeah one of his trips could feed thousands of starving kids, but i guess his daughters going to the newest justin beiber trips more important than actually helping people from his homeland kenya
Yes well we have allowed the government to become more and more extravagant and live like Kings as we the people have less and less! Why did we travel the ocean to come here? Oh yeah to get AWAY from a monarchy!

Why do they get to go to Hawaii anyway? Why not a more local vacation like a car ride to Virginia? They should have a mandatory place to go ( while president) that the people vote on ! Something of modest means!

Oh yeah and to the people complaining about Bush going to Texas- that place is a dump but yeah he was on vacation when he was "working" anyway !
Oh yes, let's make them ride regular airlines. Of course, you do realize that every other commuter will have to get another flight. Security has to be tight on a Presidential flight. That means the pilots and other staff will have to be replaced with secure staff. Besides that you will have secret service, a private doctor, and cooks. And there's the expense that doing that will cost, as well as having to have a separate flight for all those civilian travelers taking that flight.

But that is only for a Democratic President. I feel you are still okay with all the traveling that Republican President do on Air Force 1, and so so far they outdo the Democratic Presidents.
I have not had a vacation in 4 years and don't anticipate having one for some time in the future so anyone who can afford them more power to them because I cannot.
But he "works" sooooooooo HARD, surely you don't begrudge Barry, Mickey, and the Gurlz all the time off they want? Oh, okay.
Wait, so you're criticizing the president who has taken the least amount of vacation time within the last few decades, but it's ok when Bush took vacations literally for half of his presidency?

And since when did the Romans waste taxes? Wasn't it during the late republic that Roman wealth was so great, that Roman citizens didn't even pay taxes?
All presidents made use of Air Force One for vacations since the planes were first used.
Did you complain when Bush was spending money flying off to vacation or is only important when a democrat is in the White House?
Simple Solution: ride Horses To West Coast, Ride Boat to Hawaii. :) this is a joke by the way