You people think Christians are bad? Do you have any idea how worse Messianic...


New member
Dec 9, 2008
...Judaism is? They are way way more screwed up than Christians. Messianic Judaism combines Christianity and Judaism together, and it makes absolutely no sense because both testaments contradict each other. I used to be in this religion, and it really messed me up BAD. You know how people say that Christians act like zombies? Messianic Judaism makes you feel like a zombie with robotic attachments to your body.
" a zombie with robotic attachments to your body."

Hey - cool metaphor. <grin>

Part of the problem is that there are lots of reasonable Christians who know how to take spiritual messages from the Bible without trying to make it a science or history book, but the so-called 'Messianic Jews' (a misnomer, by the way) are all fundamentalist of the most literal and bloodthirsty variety.
You no doubt lack Spiritual Wisdom as scripture doesn't contradict itself at all plus if you were enlightened into Messianic Judaism you would know that the bible is read by a Messianic Jew as one book of 1st and 2nd covenant.