How do I start bodybuilding?


May 13, 2008
I am 14 years old 5'8" and I really want to get into lifting weights. I have already started a little bit but I need to know more. What supplements are good ans bad? The dos and donts? A workout schedule? Best answer for most detail.
Have different workouts for different days, at hour intervals, one day work on your chest, doing bench press, push ups ect. Another day work your triceps, doing dumbell pullovers (lifting the dumbell from behind your head to over it, by holding only the top of it with 2hands). Another day do cardio, take long runs. Another day work your abs with crunches and abdominal bridge. To be honest, I don't recommend supplements, friends told me they mess with your stomach and I took them anyways. Yeah they do mess with you. Do all of that you will have a perfectly toned strong body. Don't overwork in one department.