Homo protest! Where and how to start?


May 16, 2008
noticed that the word to describe humans is 'homosapien', personally I as a Christian find this DISGUSTING...

Explained on:-

'Homosapien' has the word HOMO in it, also HOMOSEXUAL has the word HOMO at the start.

THIS would imply that being a homosexual is a normal thing attributed to nature, which is bull because it is a choice.

I want to start a protest for either homosexuals to stop using 'homo' OR Sapiens to have their names changed to something else.

It's goes against the bible and as this is a Christian nation I feel it would swiftly follow though and every country in the world will follow and we are number one leaders!

I was wondering how and where I can start this protest! xx
THis is not a xtian nation as much as you want it to be.
It was formed so that all persons could believe what they want without fear of persecution.
Humans (Homo sapiens) are primates of the family Hominidae, and the only extant species of the genus Homo.
Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual activity between members of the same sex or gender.
~~~~~~~thank you wikipedia
You are one ignorant individual who needs a better education or
just go back to your cave and stay there.
So...much...stupid...all in one place!

You're confusing the Greek and Latin versions of "homo." In Latin, which is used as part of our species name "Homo sapiens," it simply means "man," with H. sapiens meaning "thinking/knowing man." In Greek it means "same," which is where we get "homosexual," or "same sex." That's really the least of what's wrong with this question, though.
It's sad to see how people can get so wrapped up in Christianity.

Poor souls, I hope they come to their senses soon.

I'll be "praying" for you.
Ahh. The SATANASTS come out to share with us their SATANIC version of christianity...how, revolting. But, do think you once slave owning, s!it eating, piles of putrid scum will come out of this any happier than you started? Nobody cries when a Nazi dies, and that famous quote counts many times over for you.

This Christian nation of yours is really going to hurt after the will of GOD stuffs all those Bibles up your asses and turns them sideways, to \hear you whine and yell as you go off to the realm of SATAN for even more displeasure.
Something tells me that the LGBT section ain't the place.

"Homo sapiens" = Latin for "thinking man." In your case, perhaps you can test out of the classification.

homo also indicates 'same' == homosexual meaning 'same sex' as opposed to heterosexual meaning 'different.'

Take Latin, it will help you think in an organized manner.
Are you sure you're not a troll?

First off, "This is a Christian nation" is very much something in violation of the first amendment of the United States Constitution which specifically states that the Government shall make no law favoring any specific religion.

Secondly, the Greek prefix "Homo" in "homosexual" means "same" as in "Same Sexual". It is two different words in "Homo Sapiens", where "Homo" is the Latin genus for "Man" (and "Sapiens" is the Latin species meaning "Wise").

The words are the words are the words and aren't dictated by any government or for that matter by any religion and certainly not by anyone here at Yahoo!Answers.

Thirdly, you may find it disgusting, but more and more people in this country find it perfectly normal and have no problem with it - and moreover, find YOUR attitude pretty disgusting. They find intolerance to be more likely to be the source of violence and future problems than homosexuality. Certainly the assertion that "it is a choice" flies in the face of virtually all scientific evidence.

I suppose, if you wanted to protest this, you could go to http://www.change.org and try to create a petition - but I am guessing you'd get more people protesting AGAINST your movement than for it.
Go ahead and try to start this anywhere you want, but I guarantee that you will be yelled at and/or laughed at for your shallowness and intellectual inaccuracy.

You do know that the prefix "homo" is a scientific classification, meaning "same." What do you want to start calling humans? heterosapiens? I'd imagine that would make you not only homophobic, but racist, because all humans are of the same species.

And please, just shut up about the Bible. You cannot use religion as a means for hate. Clearly you haven't read the entire Bible because in the New Testament, homosexuality is not considered a sin.

Oh, and homosexuality is not a choice. A person is born into their sexuality. This can all be explained through epigenetics (and since you clearly don't understand science, let me clarify, that is EPIgenetics, not genetics. The EPI part literally means "outside of" genetics).

Next time you decide to protest something, maybe you should look up all of the facts.