I need a place to do a mall scavenger hunt that's not the mall. Any ideas?


May 13, 2008
So I started with the idea of a mall scavenger hunt for my birthday, but I was online when I found one person that said their hunt had been stopped by mall security. So I contacted the mall I was planning to do the hunt in, and they responded saying that no, it isn't allowed. So, I need a new place to do my scavenger hunt before this Sunday.

Here's the list: (any suggestions or opinions about the list are welcome)
Take a picture with a hot guy. (or girl)
Sing Call Me Maybe to someone in the food court.
Kiss a cardboard cutout.
Give 10 free hugs.
Give each group a plastic ring and take a picture of them proposing to someone.
Pose with a mannequin.
Walk up to someone around your age and ask if they remember you fom camp.
Get someone's number.
Get someone to buy you something more than $2.
Go into the bathroom of the opposite sex and pretend you're in the wrong bathroom.
Get a guy to wear a dress.
The whole team hums the Mission Impossible song as they act like spies and go from the front to the back of the store.

Or, if you know a way I could get permission from the mall, that would be great too. Thanks!