Can any1 recall this movie :/?



It's about this 14 year old girl (Nikki) and she has a Dad and they are staying on this tropical island. Nikki goes to this party and she meets this boy and she wants to impress him, so she tells the boy that her Dad is her boyfriend.. she starts lying more....and says her boyfriend (dad) is going to die and wants to stay with him. Sorry, thats probably not specific enough....oh and I remember they were on this boat skiing thing and the boy almost killed the dad because they were going to fast. and the people on the island thought that the dad was bad/molestor because they thought he was taking advantage of the girl....sorry. :) if you can remember this movie. please give me the name :)

It was playing on HBO this morning in Mexico.
was it my father the hero
My Father The Hero

André, a Frenchman divorced from his wife, takes his teenage daughter, Nicole, on vacation with him. She is desperate to appear as a woman and not a girl, so in order to impress a local boy, she makes up more and more ridiculous stories, starting with André being her lover. André is desperate to make Nicole happy and so plays along with her crazy games, and the stories they make up get increasingly bizarre.
My Father the Hero - Gérard Depardieu ...
i think its my father the hero but Im not sure good movie tho