How do I quit smoking cigarettes?


May 13, 2008
Help me! I smoke 4 packs of marlboro red special blends every day! I love cigarettes! When will I die from this? I honestly smoke 4 packs a day. Would you consider that more than average? If so how Many packs a day is average? I've been smoking cigs since I was 12. And it's just so hard to even think about stopping. What should I do?
You are about average.

You can stop smoking immediately as in now, now today if you start using Nicabate gum. I did it. Nicabate gives you a nicotine hit immediately you start chewing the gum. Nicabate is usually sold in supermarkets.

It's usually a lot cheaper than cigarettes.

You will probably need to use the gum for about a month or so till you get used to it, then you will be able to gradually start weaning yourself off it. It will likely take 6 months or so until the effects of the tobacco finally stop having an effect on you.

The hardest part will be controlling your urge to light a cigarette because that's also a habit besides the nicotine from the cigs.

With Nicabate gum, you'll need to start with the highest dosage at 4mg because of the number of cigs you currently smoke. Nicabate is good because you can cut the pieces in half as you cut back.

After just 1 or two days of quitting the cigs, you will find you have a lot more energy and you will also smell a whole lot better. Non smokers can smell a smoker a mile off.

When you can die from smoking?

It all depends on your dna with regard to whether you will get lung cancer. It can start at any time, usually in the 40's. One thing though. Cancer is not the only danger here. It's Emphysema. It literally destroys your lungs and severely limits your ability to breathe. Either way, cancer or Emphysema, it will kill you in the end. Emphysema starts when you start smoking and doesn't have full effect until you are 40+ or so.

Good luck with it :)
How do you find the time to smoke 4 packs in a day? Even a pack a day requires a good amount of free time.

Combo of patch, chantix, and tons of gum.