How to stop crying after a dog dies?


New member
Apr 14, 2008
my 14 yr old dog wasent doing so well and today i was playing video games and he was laying there and i thought about going to pet him and i said to myself "Ill do it later im busy" cause i was playing video games now hes dead (he died probably 5 minutes ago) and i cant stop sobbing
Im Very Sorry for your loss. I know how it feels.
Try This Site, Maybe It will Help?
There is no point in stopping your crying! You feel bad. You have a bunch of pain: loss, regret, breaking of emotional attachment, loss of future pleasure with your dog. Be glad you can cry, that you can really feel your emotions. This is what life is about.

You may be sad for weeks or months. That is the way humans are. Enjoy the richness of life. Really feel the sadness and loss. Cry as long and often as you want.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss.