Can I use the GPS on my smartphone and Yahoo Maps to find the end of a rainbow?

Yup, no problem.

I've done it twice, in fact. I now have not one but two, count them, two pots of gold and they're mine all mine. And the GPS on my schmartphone got them for me, along with Google Maps. You need the geo-caching app though. I'm not saying what schmartphone I used (sorry, that's classified), but I'm sure you'll find the right one. No it's not made in Ireland, dummy. Think further south with more palm trees and topless girls.

Oh, and don't use Yahoo Maps. You need Googly Maps to find the rainbows in realtime. I just love saying that on a Yahoo site!

Now if you know anybody who is willing to trade a honey pot for a pot of gold or two, tell them to call me. There's only so much fun I can have with a pot of gold, but a honey pot... well never mind what I can do with one of those.