When will Christians realize prayer is just superstition?


New member
May 28, 2008
I have seen Hindu, Muslim and other religions pray and sometimes it happens and sometimes it does not. On the other hand I seen Christians pray and their prayer not always answered neither. I have had tarot and horoscope reading and sometimes they were correct and other times not. Those tarot readings etc are done by witches nothing so called godly so what is the difference? Satan seems to be made up huh. Truth is its just a matter of LUCK not prayer and a specific god so why do Christians pretend your religion and god is right and the only one?
I've been studying prayer for years and I have learned that God does in fact answer prayer petitions if they are worded with strong faith and if they are being offered by individuals who are largely free of sin.:emot0:
When will you realize that a Christian's prayer is not about getting stuff? It is about having a relationship with Jesus.
I talk to God because He keeps talking back.

i guess i will realize it doesn't work when HE stops responding to me.

As for answering prayer...well HE stopped me dying when i was bit by a poisonous snake, (i did not get sick at all), HE answered me when i was arrested/detained by moslem police (4 times), HE answered me when i needed to get 60 tons of food to some starving villagers i personally knew in Sudan, HE answered me when ........ err , yes HE answers prayers.

So, it is difficult for me to pretend HE does not exist because HE keeps making regular appearances in my life