What are some active things a Christian can do to make it more 'real'?


Jun 15, 2010
How do you suggest Christians keep Christianity 'real' in their life?

You know, existence itself can cloud the experience...bills, work, family, 'problems',
fears of this or that that need attention, even fatigue.

Are there real things, active things a Christian can do to keep the whole
experience focused on Christ?

I think this 'reality' is something that can grow. I have it in my own life,
but I would like to increase this in my life. I want the fervence to
be there a lot of the time, if not all the time. (all the time doesn't allow for fluctuations).

So I'm interested in other's thoughts on this.

Sorry, almost forgot the a's ....I remove anything that doesn't
kindly and respectfully answer the question. Muslims don't allow slurs,
and they're right about it. I don't think Christians should, either.
(of course, some Muslims blow up people who do that, so happily, not that is done!!)
By experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit,by praying for it, you will find that you will be drawn much closer to Jesus.Recently I have started to also use a simple exercise that has made me much more spiritual.Many times a day I just quickly try to visualize being in the Throne Room in heaven.You can find some Google images of what it may look like.TRY IT,IT WORKS ! :emot0:
Seek your spiritual gifts giving from the holy spirit,they are for real,but few seek them.Christians have the ultimate power over all evil that most don't realize.repent your sins,forgive others,this is a must and benefits you,now your walking closer to God and seek your spiritual gifts,and recieve them.
This fellow quotes the Bible, accurately, about what the Bible reports Jesus did, and what Promises were made by Jesus.

Christians could follow the instructions in the video, and prove Jesus to be real.

I've been suggesting this since the day I first saw the video, but no Christians have contacted me to inform me that they have proven Jesus to be real.
Prayer, reading the Word, relying on the Holy Spirit for ALL things, Daily. This is living in Him, when one does these things everything else is a mere shadow, the Lord will become first in your life, then the fears will no longer be fears, they will rather be once upon a time problems, now solved. For you will trust in the Lord for the good of the what you dont see now, but believe will come to be.
Hebrews 11:1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.