Can I still become an IT professional?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Hello, my name is G.Kaviarasu. I finished AMIE(Equivalent to BE) in computer science in the year 2003 with 67%. I scored 95% in the subject of software engineering. Due to some personal and family problems, I lost my time to become an IT professional. Now my age is about thirty eight. So is their any possibility for me to become an IT professional starting career at this age. If so, please advice me. If not, say anything frankly. No problem.
It depends on your current ability the trouble is the older you are the more they expect of you. They might put you in a room with 10 machines dissembled and want you to have all machines assembled and Ghosted without any help and or supervision, but if you were say 18 -21 they would show you the ropes. The best thing to get into is Contracting age is less of an issue. And lie about your age. You might think that wrong but we have ageism laws in the UK that employers ignore, so if you lie your totally morally justified and also not committing an offence because of the Ageism law. Basically people do anything to get the job. It can be exhausting it can be fun and it can be boring sometimes Contracting is good to get yourself trained up quickly.