Do you agree with my predictions regarding Obama and Fiscal Cliff and Sequestor?


New member
May 27, 2008
1. Obama will pretend to participate in "serious" negotiations with the Republicans in the House of Representatives to resolve the Sequestor, the Fiscal Cliff, and Debt Ceilng crisis.

2. As a potential agreement emerges, Obama will quietly and behind closed doors intentionally increase his demands at the last minute in much the same way Bob Woodward had described in his recent book** about previous debt ceiling negotiations from a year ago. Obama will definitively ask for whatever it takes to destroy any possibility of an actual deal.

3. No deal will be reached. All defense cuts and job loss from the sequestor will happen. All tax increases in the Fiscal Cliff will take effect. And a debt ceiling increase will occur simultaneous to a formal reduction of USA's credit rating.

4. NBC's Brian Williams, Matt Lauer, CNN's Soledad O'Brien, ABC's George Stephanopolous will report that Obama did nothing wrong and that Tea Party zealots are imperiling the future of USA out of pure personal hatred and racism against this President. Republicans will be interviewed and asked why they want to ruin USA just to hurt Obama. Obama will be asked how he can maneuver USA passed the Tea Party threat to our children's future.

5. Attempts at grass roots levels to express sympathy and substantive arguments on behalf of these Republicans will be quietly disparaged and delegitimized by their neighbors as nothing more than racism and hatred.

6. Obama will use windfall of revenue to offer more goodies to voters and wage a federally-funded program of spending to win mass adoration from voters while doing nothing to meaningfully restore the fiscal solvency of USA.

7. Obama will use political capital to pass landmark campaign finance reform eliminating 1st Amendment issues involved in Citizens United decision. Ultimately it will limit all election-affecting speech to 6 news/editorial entities, 5 which support a pro-Democrat party message and 1 that supports the opposition. Neighbors will quickly disparage, demean, and belittle anyone who watches this 6th entity, much less sympathizes with its message or accept their reported coverage of scandals of Obama administration as if its legitimate.

8. On Comedy Channel, Jon Stewart will occasionally quibble about these 5 pro-Democrat networks, but regularly launch satirical tirades on the 6th one and eventually question whether or not we even need any opposition media in the era of Obama, a President supported by majorities all around the world.

9. As more and more economic misery unfolds due to continued horrible economic policies that discourage productivity and encourage dependency, Obama uses media machine to blame all problems on Republicans for slowing down his attempts at rampant spending.

I'm not sure exactly of the details of how it devolves after this, but USA begins to quickly follow the steady death spiral we already see in Europe. Any chance of USA to recover its promise of freedom and opportunity will be lost forever as we will be permanently trapped on a path to bankruptcy.

George Soros, the biggest donor to Obama's campaign and most frequent visitor to the White House will double his net worth once more, just as he did in Obama's first term.

**Excerpt from Bob Woodward's "The Price of Politics"
"Obama succeeded in getting Boehner to tentatively agree to as much as $800 billion in new revenue, a major concession, only to surprise the speaker with a request for an additional $400 billion as their negotiations neared the final stages. Unable to muster support among his lieutenants for such a proposal, Boehner ducked the president's phone calls before pulling out of the talks for good.
BTW: This is why our credit rating dropped a year ago.

Twice actually. Once a year ago and once just before the election.

The media never even bothered to mention this 2nd drop since it would've hurt Obama.
It should be simpler.

"Mr. President, put the spending cuts on the table, or don't bother calling me, you moron" - Boehner