Senior Citizens, what do you like to do for recreation if you're feeling up to it?


Feb 23, 2008
I take 5 minute walks around this area. Also, if I go anywhere in the car, that's exercise for me since I walk 2 blocks to the car, get a cart to bring back what I bought then have to walk 2 blocks to put the cart back and 2 blks. back. So shopping wears me out. But got to burn up the calories, so that's life.
Sometimes I go up to the hot tub before taking a nice long nap -- wears me ouy but some ones gotta' do it.
I like to cook for myself, not for others.
I like gardening, growing stuff.
I still like keeping up with fashions.
I like to watch TV, it puts me to sleep so quickly. lol
Oh and yeah, I like to log on to Y/A.
I go from one thing to another, there's always something to catch my interest. I refuse to give in to my failing health.
I really can't say, but it has been years.........go cruising in my Chevy convertible.
Bet you thought I was saying something else...(I was, but thought I'd be nice)
I swim 30 minutes twice a day. I fly RC aircraft almost every morning. I like to set up the telescope and look at the stars. This is a particularly good time with Jupiter showing off, and Orion's nebula above the horizon in the early evenings. I 4wheel and do a lot of nature photography. I still do some cycling. Usually less that 20 miles. Then there's recreational sex. The new lady friend and I are trying to make up for all that we missed out on, when we were young, and were going to school and working all the time, while others partied. I do everything I can to avoid shopping.
For exercise, I walk my dog for thirty to forty minutes, three times a day. For recreation, I occasionally ride my bike...