How to convince your dad not to buy a smartphone?


New member
Nov 24, 2012
My dad(who I never get on with and personally thinks is bullying my mother, my sister and i, and who i also think is a mentally disabled/unstable psychopath, and who is responsible for all despair and angst in my family) has walked into the room and declared he is going to buy a samsung galaxy sx, of which he only knows from television commercials because his entire life is leaving for work-construction-at 5am, coming home at 7pm, eating dinner, verbally abusing my family and i, watching tv, and going to sleep. Reasons I find this unacceptable(because their parents buying a smartphone is something most teenagers desire) is because a)despite being relatively well-off, my family does not indulge in luxuries because both my parents grew up in difficult circumstances. therefore, we didn't replace the tv for over a decade, that is, until my dad went out and bought the most expensive yet sh**est LCD Smart TV in the store without telling anyone, and my mother and i both have cheap Nokias for the past few years, as does my father(except he regularly buys new ones for no apparent reason). How dare he suddenly decide to buy something he has no need/want for, nor does he know anything about when the rest of the family are practically in poverty. Also, his work means that he constantly drops his phones and they often become damaged quickly. A smartphone is easily susceptible to damage and cracks. He also has no need for one. He barely texts and if so uses only short terms to convey yes or nos. He does not use the internet, apps, email, text or any other type of service that a smartphone offers. I have in fact been asking for a smartphone for over a year and it has been promised although more research has to be done apparently. I want him out of my house, he does not deserve to live here, he has no imput to the family except for verbal abuse. He doesn't go to my little sisters dance concerts or soccer games, he does not attend my school graduation, he does nothing. My mother is a hard working, intelligent woman who does not deserve this and I will literally murder him if he buys this phone. Ever since the other day when he said he was getting it I have wanted so much to hit him and when my mum starts crying and I start yelling and my sister hides, all he does is put on this disgusting smirk. Sooo, a way to convince him otherwhys would be good x