Name of the sci-fi movie?


May 21, 2008
I can't remember the name of a sci-fi movie I saw as a child in late 80's or early 90's. I really can't find it anywhere even though I have tried everything.
The movie was set in space and also in another planet which was mostly sand and rock (which could also have been post-apocalyptic Earth or something like that). There was at least one huge looking spaceship and on the planet there were some kid-looking aliens or robots/androids, I'm not sure which. They had grey or bronze coloured skin and some kind of helmet. I can't remember the other characters well, but I believe they were human beings. The tone of the movie was serious, there were violent shootings and stuff like that. I don't know any of the actors or anything which could directly link to that movie. I only know it must have been made in the late 70's, 80's or very early 90's.
Star Wars sounds like a good guess. The first movie is set on a barren planet and Jawa traders collect robots to resell.

In The Return of the Jedi, there were Ewoks, which could also be what you're remembering if it isn't the Jawa traders.