You know, Back in 2010 we discussed bullying and the harm, shame and the effects that come with it. Unfortunately it doesnt seem like things have gotten much better. After a lengthy Twitter discussion that I was involved in a few weeks ago, on the subject, I decided that another discussion is was in order. I know that so many of us have been a vitim of bullying or still are a victim. But who are they to tell you, to tell us what we are or to ridcule someone because of the way they act, dress, talk or just they way they are? Well talk more about this, this Sunday. And I TRULY hope that people call in to share their stories. Lets reach out to those who have been bullied, and tell them that they arent alone. That somebody cares about them. "Stop The Bullying" This week. "On-Air" Stop The Bullying | Harrassment | Being made fun for being different | Be proud of yourself | Just Be You
