Could I eat emergency food rations for bodybuilding?


New member
Oct 8, 2012
I feel a bit ridiculous even typing that question, but I really am interested. I'm 17 and I'm really in to working out. I have very high metabolism and I run track, so gaining weight is really difficult. I am really cut but I want to start putting on weight, not just becoming more defined. I eat as many calories every day as I can, but it just gets so tiring and difficult. I've tried mass gaining shakes and all that stuff but it's hard to keep up with. I came accross these emergency food ration bars that have a shit load of calories in them, and I'm wondering if there's any down sides to eating a few of them a day to get more calories. The first thing I was immediately suspicious of is how much fat is in them and whatnot, but I'm hoping someone has some more knowledge than I do on the subject. You can just look on Amazon at the stuff I'm talking about. Here are a couple links.