I love the scriptures!!! Wow...the metaphors through this reading are significant and can contain such great depth! We are compared to tools such as the ax or saw and asked if tools challenge the one uses them or created them. I believe this gives great insight to the true nature of our existence as children of God and truly addresses the purpose for that existence. I believe we truly are to be tools willing to subject ourselves to the will of him who created us. Now wait a minute! What about agency! That I can choose? Yes, I understand what you are saying, but if the scriptures and words of the prophets are correct then we already chose. We already chose to be instruments in Gods kingdom to bring to pass his purposes and his will. As such we need to yield our will to his so that we might be blessed. I imagine some of you may say that I am stretching things because he is talking of Assyria here, however please remember how Isaiahs words speak to his time or a specific occurrence as well as to all time and to each of us individually so there are principles within each metaphor, within each phrase that may help us to know the plan of salvation that we knew before we came here and agreed to. Again I repeat....wow... scripture study | faith of our fathers | Book of Mormon | the Lords hand is stretched out still | Israel
