Advice on data usage for a Blackberry 9360 on a T-Mobile contract, please...


May 13, 2008
...(apps and hidden charges?).? Hello,

I've got a Blackberry 9360 coming my way, and I have 250mb data usage and unlimited browsing (with T-Mobile).

I'm a little nervous about the data usage part, as I realise that 250mb isn't a lot, though T-Mobile tell me that they don't charge for going over your data allowance, just that they restrict your use.

I'm not planning on using streaming applications like youtube and spotify, but what's confusing me is the apps. I can see that you can download apps like Facebook and Twitter, but I'm told that they use up a lot of data.

So it is worth not downloading these, and just using the internet browser to check Facebook and Twitter? Anyone had any experience with this?

It's not just the data usage issue, I don't really need to receive notifications on whether Bob is going to have carrots or peas with his dinner!

Plus, someone else tells me that they ended up with a high bill as they were charged for receiving Facebook updates by their wife, and they didn't realise they were being charged until it was too late.

So, if any of you kind people have any advice to avoid any possible pitfalls with data usage, on using apps or advice on possible hidden charges, then it would be much appreciated!
