Spiritually Speaking If life came equipped with a Ctrl+Alt+Del feature?

no more spyware...also no thumbs down...it is pointless
i am a vet...the govt already knows all about me
Whatever my choice is all I need to do is press the Delete button. Then it reminds me I truly want to Delete. And then I click "YES I DO."
Well, if you've got government intrusion I would end the process of Islamic spread.

Then I would end the process of using public schools to make people into obedient worker bees.
Government intrusion into your life? Aren't you one of those morons who keeps asking the government to keep people from marrying?

Inconsistent much?
I'd like it more if my life came with a save game feature. Then I could do all kinds of fun things like cuss out my boss, burn the White House, or things I ordinarily wouldn't think of doing and then cancel it all and go back to my original life before I did the save.
I'm more interested in creating processes than ending them. For example, I'd like to add a baloney detector but it would be one that worked on your own beliefs as well as the beliefs of others.
morons, definitely morons, so if I had my feature, this question wouldn't have been asked :)