Christians and Jeh Witnesses How does the Watch Tower encourage fantasies about the


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Mar 8, 2012
future? Are followers of the Watch Tower to have peace and security in the Watch Tower's illusion of the future?
As long as they are safe within their comfort zone, that is all that matters to them.

"Cognitive dissonance theory has much to say about the mass delusions, which have the veneer of legitimacy because of their sheer number of believers (*within organized religions such as Jehovah's Witnesses). To non-believers, these are completely loony beliefs that only persist because of cultural momentum. Because of this, believers (*cult members-Jehovah's Witnesses) face great dissonance in admitting that such beliefs are foolish. It would be very difficult for them to admit that their religion is nothing but a fairy tale; they would experience strong dissonance between “I’m intelligent and rational” and “I strongly believed in a fairy tale”. The dissonance would be even worse for intellectuals, who play a crucial role maintaining the legitimacy of widespread beliefs. To admit error is to admit that they misled countless people—a terrible thing to do—so there’s a strong motivation to rationalize the belief and convince themselves that they’re right"