Why should fat people be allowed to purchase or consume food outside the...

If government approved nutrition is anything like what they serve in public school cafeterias, then THAT is probably what is making them fat!
The junk food industry should be regulated in order to stop it from killing as many people the way the Tobacco industry is.
Free enterprise? The government has no control over private businesses or else no one would be making money but the govt. Why are you allowed to ask such a question? Asking why is someone allowed to eat food that isn't healthy goes next to why aren't we allowed to save people who are dying because they can't pay for medical care and the govt does nothing about it... Hey I think any person fat or not deserves a cheeseburger to live in this society. Do they need 5 of them of course not
it's called Doritos marketing etc.. what your saying is communist Michael Phelps swimmer was eating 15,000 calories a day for traing he was skinny as rail muscular etc...
Unfortunately we live in a free nation...
sad ain't it? well if you vote Obama 2012 you can move AMERICA one step closer to losing its freedom!
Why should people that can't afford food be allowed to eat at all?

They should also get rid of tobacco taxes, and charge more for insurance of those that consum...oh wait.