How to become a travel writer?


New member
Aug 14, 2010
I've spent the last two years having no idea what I want to do with my life. I'm at university right now, and I've got two years left after this one finishes... I only really came on to this course to buy myself some time though to figure out what I want to do!

I recently decided that, because I love travelling, and writing, my dream job would be a travel writer. I love reading Bill Bryson and people like that, and that for a career would be amazing.

But how do you get in to it? Start off at a travel agents trying to write articles for an in-flight magazine? Go to a newspaper and get writing experience? I have no idea!

Any help would be hugely appreciated! I'm on a law degree and apparently that can be good for journalism so I wouldn't have to change courses or anything which is a plus, because if I did then I'd be hit by the rise in tuition fees.